Flood Insurance in Florida

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Stop wasting time manually searching for insurance quotes. Use superior technology to get instant quotes from A-rated Florida insurance providers in minutes.
Save up to 40% on your flood insurance premiums by taking advantage of our proprietary technology that analyzes the marketplace for discounts without compromising your protection.
Rocket Flood offers the best span guaranteed with our renowned customer experience. Get your Rocket Flood quote today and protect your home today


'A' AM Best Rating'A' Demotech Rating

Flood Insurance Florida

Home and Commercial Flood Insurance Florida

It's no secret that Florida is one of the states most vulnerable to flooding events. The Sunshine State is hit by tropical storms and hurricanes yearly due to its position in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. That's why flood insurance in Florida is a must-have to protect your property.

According to the latest climate statistics, 36% of all properties in Florida have a greater than one in four chance of being severely impacted by flooding in the next 30 years.

Don't leave your home and belongings at risk, get your Florida flood insurance quote today. Contrary to popular belief, your homeowners' insurance policy will not provide the coverage you expect. Standard homeowners' protection excludes flooding events, meaning you will be left to cover the costs out of your pocket if your home falls victim to flooding.

Get premium flood insurance in Florida from an insurer you can trust. We are the supercharged insurance provider protecting millions of homeowners in Florida at an affordable price.

Protect your property with comprehensive flood coverage from Rocket Flood, Florida's number one insurance platform for flood protection.

Florida State

Flood Insurance Rates in Florida

Competitive Rates

We know that you need competitive rates on your flood coverage. As the cost of living rises, we understand how vital it is to get cheap flood insurance in Florida.
Using our latest technology, we aim to find you a comprehensive policy at the lowest possible price. Our mission is to lower the average cost of flood insurance in Florida by offering affordable prices for everyone.
Pay less for more with Rocket Flood.

Strong Partners

Rocket Flood is the best place to find the cheapest rates on your insurance thanks to our strong network of flood insurers. We have cultivated relationships with every well-known nationwide flood insurer.
Our partnerships enable us to provide the most competitive rates for our clients. Get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are working with an insurance provider with your best interests in mind.

Specialists in Flood Insurance

When it comes to high-quality flood insurance, Florida residents need experts on hand. Whether you live in a low-risk area like Miami or a high-risk zone like Key West, we have you covered. Our team is well-versed in flood protection because flooding is our specialty.
We exclusively offer flood insurance policies, enabling us to better fulfill the needs of home and business owners statewide.

LiDAR Technology

With Rocket Flood, you'll never pay for more than you need.

Every city, town, home, street, and block has a unique risk profile. As a cutting-edge insurer, we believe you should pay for a policy accurately reflecting your risk of flooding.

With state-of-the-art LiDAR technology, we can take millions of detailed images of your home's terrain. Discovering your home's elevation makes you eligible for discounts on your policy. We use the same technology as NASA and the U.S. military, empowering us to produce accurate numbers to unlock the lowest rates.

Our clients save an average of 40% on their flood insurance premiums. Work with Rocket Flood on your flood insurance Florida policy that correlates to your flooding risk today.

Comprehensive Coverage

You need an ironclad policy that can cover the worst, with no hidden fees or charges. We provide insurance policies that include everything you need, including up to $5,000,000 in personal coverage and $20,000,000 in building coverage.

High coverage limits make these policies suitable for luxury homes, commercial office blocks, and extensive industrial facilities.

But what does flood insurance cover in Florida?

Your insurance policy covers the contents of your home, the building, and even the outbuildings on your property. If you require extra coverage, Rocket Flood offers a range of optional enhancements, including:

  Loss of Rents
  Loss of Use
  Loss of Use/Rents
  Pool Repair/Refill
  Basement Contents
  Replacement Cost on Contents
  Other Structure Coverage

We are committed to going the extra mile to ensure Floridians are fully protected, no matter how severe the damage. Contact Rocket Flood to learn more about what our policies cover.

Quick Sign Up

Rocket Flood has built a modern, easy-to-use platform that makes requesting a quote through our Florida flood insurance calculator simple and straightforward.

It takes only minutes to get your personalized quote, and signing up is even simpler. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

Get a Florida Flood Insurance Quote

Florida State

Take out protection against floods today. With Rocket Flood, we make it as easy as 1-2-3.

Passionate About Servicing Florida Residents

We know the frustrations of choosing a reliable insurer, getting the right coverage, and evading loopholes or hidden feeds. Our mission is to simplify flood insurance and get you the coverage you need.

Our team consists exclusively of flood insurance experts with decades of experience within the business. We take pride in being the insurer that stands by its customers and sets the standard for five-star flood insurance.

Partner with Rocket Flood

Did you know that flooding is America's most common natural disaster? The team at Rocket Flood has one mission: to protect personal and commercial property at an affordable price. We use the latest technology, decades of experience in the industry, and superior customer service to protect homes and businesses across the country.

We're tired of insurance being complicated. Our mission is to make securing flood insurance simple and straightforward. We represent top-rated insurance companies and use the latest technology to help you quickly compare to find the most competitive and comprehensive choice for your needs.

Whether you're protecting your family's home or securing your small business, Rocket Flood can find the right flood insurance policy for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Get a Affordable Florida Flood Insurance Quote

States we Serve

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Flood Insurance: Florida FAQs

Simplify your insurance search with the answers to people's most common questions about Florida flood insurance.